Hester Coley Genealogical Research

Can I have my whole tree researched – all generations and as far back as possible?

If you simply want to find out as much as possible about your entire family then it would be best to agree on a certain number of hours in advance, after which time we revise what has been achieved, and therefore can assess together how to proceed further if desired, taking into consideration any priorities you may have.


Can I have just one surname line researched?

If you are particularly interested in knowing the ancestors who, for example, shared your own surname, this is a much cheaper option than researching the entire family. 


Can I simply discover more about one particular ancestor?

You may have an ancestor who is known or rumoured to be special in some way – perhaps they were somewhat famous or notorious or rich?  It may be possible to construct a mini biography of the person. 


What can I expect to discover?

There can be no fixed guarantees but what you can expect to find out about a person is roughly the following :

Basic information : First name, surname, married name, date of birth or christening, date of marriage, date of death or burial, occupations, addresses lived at, names of siblings.

Supplementary information : Extra details could include newspaper articles, business information, maps and/or photographs of addresses, prison records, wills, armed forces information.


What will I receive?

I will generally provide the following :


See Services and Prices for optional extras.




106 Dartmouth Road   London NW2 4HB       England                          +44 (0)7584 320385